My dearest cable & DVR box,
Please don't be sad that we can no longer be together. There comes a point in many relationships where it's best for each party to go their separate ways. That time for us came on Saturday when I dropped you off at the cable company. I know you tried to be strong, but I saw that little tear in your circuit box. I was sad too sweetie. I was sad too.
But while you are fabulous and provided me many hours of entertainment while being up for all hours with a colicky baby and while pumping, I just can't afford your champagne tastes on my homemade apple cider budget. I love the service that you provide, but in the end, food, prescriptions, and heat trump your entertainment value.
I know that there are tons of new shows coming up, and I know that Southland (which is the best show on TV right now) is coming out with an all new season. I know baby, I get that. Please don't try to tempt me with promises of shows on Planet Green, or if we're being honest, VH1; momma loves a good trainwreck! I'm going to need to join a 12 step program to get past this when Mad Men returns from hiatus.
Perhaps we will meet again soon, some day in the near future. Until then, I'm armed with a digital converter box praying I get a free signal, a computer with internet access, and a library card that lets me check out whole seasons of shows for free. I fear however that I'll realize that I CAN live without you. So, don't hold out hope on a reconciliation. If things are meant to be, we'll find out way back to each other once again.
Best wishes for a lovely and long life in someone else's home. I hope they can afford you and will treat you better than we did. I know that the banged up IKEA entertainment center wasn't fitting to your status.
Frugal by Choice, Cheap by Necessity.