Homemade Lara Bars

Or Lara Balls depending on how you make them!

Have you ever tried a Lara Bar?  They're gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan to boot.  But shockingly, they are not taste-free; they're delicious.  I was dairy-free while nursing, and I ate my fair share of Lara Bars, but at $1+ a pop, they're not an every day snack.

You know what is an every day snack?  Homemade Lara Bars.

This recipe is so easy that a 2 year old can make them.  In fact, today's post is a guest post from MY 2 year old - Jack.  Take it away J bone!  (Translation by me).

Mommy, thank you vedy much for letting me write on pucuter!  Jackie loves pucuter!  Ok Mommy, we make chocolate cake like dis:

Step 1 - Remove pits from icky cockroaches - about a billion.  Add blue rocks.  Eat lots from bowl:
Translation: pit about 15 dates.  Combine with other dried fruits (we love blueberries and cranberries).
Step 2 - Take nuts.  This many:
Translation: about 1-1.5 cups of almonds or walnuts, or a mixture of both.
Step 3 - Scoop yummy powder.  Machine needs some too:
Translation: add 3 heaping TBLSP of cocoa powder.  Your food processor appreciates a sprinkle.
Step 4 - Add mommy's yummy booze.  Translation: 1 TBLSP of homemade vanilla!

Step 5 - Hit button.  Make loud:
Translation: process in food processor until the "dough" forms a big ball.
Step 6 - Make balls:
Translation: actually, that's pretty clear.  Make balls.
Step 7 - Jackie try them:
Translation: practice quality control to ensure tastiness.
Step 8 - Roll in fwakes.  Translation: roll in unsweetened shredded coconut.

Step 9 - Hide 2 from Grammy:
Translation: my MIL is obsessed with these.

Ok, so how much did these cost?  Let's run the numbers!
Dates- $8.39 for a package.  It will make 4 batches, so $2.09
Homemade vanilla - like $.04
Nuts - $.97 from the bulk section
Dried fruit - $.57 from bulk section
Coconut - $.17 from bulk section
Total: $3.84.  The recipe made 25 balls for a total of $.15 per ball.
The number of "balls in my mouth" jokes being made in the house?  Priceless.

Have you had a chance to enter my giveaway for up to $50 in organic groceries.  No strings attached.  Giveaway is now closed.  Thanks all for participating.

This is been posted on Monday Mania, frugal tip Tuesdays, Real Food Wednesdays, Simple Lives Thursday, and Pennywise Platter.

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