Meal plan for week of May 9-15th

Some of these items are hold outs from last week that didn't get made for whatever reason.  Like 1 day my mother-in-law cooked and another day she decided to take me out to dinner.  What a bitch.  I can't live like this!!! ;-D

Meatless Monday - a new asparagus pasta recipe (will share if it doesn't taste like poop),  and homemade garlic bread.

Tuesday - pot roast in the crockpot, lots of veggies from the crockpot, and homemade garlic bread.

Wednesday - baked chicken, au gratin potatoes, and roasted asparagus.

Thursday - Biscuits and gravy, eggs. and home canned fruit.

Friday - Homemade pizza and salad.

Saturday - Black bean burgers, steamed and then grilled artichokes with a homemade garlic aioli, and sweet potato fries.

Sunday - family dinner at my parent's.
