Fun in the sun

Last weekend my friend Elisa came in to town from South Africa, bringing with her my goddaughter, Keiko.  There is such joy in old friends.  It's always so lovely to see a friend you haven't seen in two years, and it's like a day hasn't passed.  There is comfort in familiar laughter.

And Jack and Keiko?  Instant besties.  Elisa had always thought Keiko had energy.

Then she met Jack.


After an hour or so at the beach with Jack, Keiko sat down on the ground and declared herself done.  She wouldn't budge an inch, and Elisa had to carry her home.

And Jack?

Jack was running a four-person relay (he was all four people) on the way home.

New business idea: hire out Jack to come over to people's homes and wear out their children.  Genius.  Dollar dollar bills ya'll.

Elisa, introducing Keiko, a child who was born in Los Angeles and has spent over a year in South Africa, to the cold cold waters of the Puget Sound.  Keiko was not a fan.
 Photo of "Auntie Wesa" by Jack
 I constantly have to have my camera on sport mode around this little duck.
 The art of picking the perfect rock to chuck off the dock.
 Jack, the rock hucking expert checking out the situation.
 She shoots, she scores!
 Please notice her calm and leisurely manner.  Then check out my maniac. 
Oh and this?  This is Jack trying to corrupt Keiko with teaching her some ninja skills.

Just looking at these photos exhausts me all over again.  My kid has ENERGY.

And I wouldn't have it any other way.

We miss Keiko and Elisa already.  I wish they lived closer, but I take comfort in knowing that the next time we see them, it was like we've been together all along.