My new favorite gluten-free lunch

Man oh man, I look forward to lunch now each and every day.  My mom actually ate the same lunch for about 15 years.  I'm not that bad, but I definitely go through fads, and this is one of my favorites in recent memory.

Tuna salad on half of an avocado.

Yeah, yeah, I know, it doesn't sound like a very filling lunch, but hot damn it is!  We have a small salad with it (I usually do mine without grilled chicken or steak since I'm already getting a lot of protein from the tuna), and loads of fruit.  Sometimes a slice of cheese on the side.  Speaking of sides, here is a side note: if your Costco has something called Lake House cheese (or something along those lines.  I threw away the wrappers, so forgive me) dude, BUY IT.  It's a super duper sharp cheddar (pink puffy hearts), and it makes my tummy happy.

Some of you might be thinking "that is a lot of fat", but avocado is good fat, and filling up with protein and good fat instead of carbs and sugar makes you feel fuller longer.

Something to keep in mind is that I buy my tuna from Costco.  It's not the super dolphin-safe stuff that costs $4 a can.  Because I can't afford $4 a can.  So that, is that.  End of discussion.  PETA, watch yourself least I blow your mind with facts about what harvesting a wheat field can do to animals.

I think the secret to this great lunch is my bomb tuna salad.  I'll share the recipe with you all because a) I love you and b) I tend to share recipes like um, weekly.

Sarah's Tuna Salad
2 cans of all white tuna packed in water
1 green onion, diced
1/8 tsp dill
1 tsp dill relish
Salt and pepper to taste

1) Squeeze out what we call the "tuna pee" from the can, and chunk up in a mixing bowl.

2) Add chopped onion, spices, and relish.

3) Add the mayo about 1 tblsp at a time until it reaches your desired consistency.  I am NOT a fan of mayo, so I like the least amount possible in my tuna salad.  Mix!

Put a nice scoop in a halved avocado, and go to town!
Janky cell phone photo
A small jelly jar is the perfect way to pack this in your lunch.
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